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邹亚莎,女,皇冠博彩app-皇冠博彩官网 副教授,硕士生导师,中国法制史学会理事,北京市法学会中国法律文化研究会常务理事。于中国政法大学中国法制史专业取得博士学位,曾访学于日本东京大学东洋文化研究中心访问学者。在《政法论坛》等学术期刊发表刊物十余篇,主持教育部青年项目等多项项目,出版了《清末民国典权制度研究》等多部著作。主要研究方向为中国法制史,近代民法史。主讲课程为中国法制史、中国法律思想史等。

Zou Yasha: Associate Professor of the School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Supervisor of Master Students, Director of Chinese Legal History Society, Executive Director of Chinese Legal Culture Research Association of Beijing Law Society.

Obtained a doctorate degree in Chinese Legal History from China University of Political Science and Law and was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia of the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Published more than ten papers in academic journals such as Tribune of Political Science and Law and several books including Study on the right of Dian in late Qing and the Republic of China.

Presided a number of programs such as the Youth Program of the Ministry of Education.

Main research interests lie in Chinese legal history and history of modern civil law.

Main courses include Chinese Legal History, the History of Chinese Legal Thought.