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Jin Yang


Yang Jin



Institute of Educational Economics and Administration




Room.504, Wenfa Building



Office telephone




Mailing address

Wenfa Building, University of Science and Technology Beijing, No.30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Education experience

2008.9-2012.7, Institute of Information Management, Peking University, Bachelor of Management.

2010.9-2012.7, National School of Development, Peking University, Bachelor of Economics.

2012.9-2017.7, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, Ph.D.

Work experience

2017.7-2020.5, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., Head of Strategic Planning Center of BOE University (Corporate University).

2020.6 to Present, Institute of Educational Economics and Administration, USTB, Lecturer.

Research Areas

Educational Economics and Administration

Educational Finance

Higher Education Student Development and Labor Market

Higher Engineering Education

Selected Scholarly Publications

Partial achievements

[1] Yang. J., Ye. X., Wu. Y., & Ding. Y. (2019) College Expansion in China and Evaluation of Stratified Higher Education Access. Research in Educational Development, (07):13-20. (CSSCI, in Chinese)

[2] Yang. J., Ye. X., Wu. Y., & Ding. Y. (2019) Research on the Influencing Factors of the Initial Jobs and Salaries of Graduates in the Process of Enrollment Expansion. Journal of National Academy of Education Administration, (05):70-78+95. (CSSCI, in Chinese)

[3] Yang, J., & Ha, W. (2017) Impact Evaluation of Intergovernmental Grants on Compulsory Education Expenditure in Rural China: Evidence from County-level Panel Data. Research in Educational Development, 037(8):46-55. (CSSCI, in Chinese)

[4] Yang, J., Ha, W., & Wu. Y. (2017). The Impact of Transfer Payments on County Compulsory Education Expenditure: Based on the Analysis of County-level Data of Western China. Education Research Monthly, (07):13-22. (in Chinese)

[5] You. Y., Yang. J., & Zhang. Y. (2017). Evaluating the Effect of Specially Contracted Teachers Plan on Equal Access to Qualified Teachers in Rural Compulsory Education. Fudan Education Forum, 15(05):83-90. (CSSCI, in Chinese)

[6] Wu. Y., Yang. J., & Ye. X. (2017) Gaokao and Education Investment: Public High School Performance Pay under Accountability. Education and Economy. (03):25-35+51. (CSSCI, in Chinese)

[7] Li. H., Wu. Y., Yang. J., & Wu. H. (2015) Calculation and Analysis of Educational Development Index of China: From Equity-Efficiency Perspective. Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology, 15(06):77-83. (in Chinese)

Selected research projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China. Demystifying the Effects of Intergovernmental Grants on Compulsory

Education Expenditure in Rural China (71473006), Participant, 2015-2018.

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China. Education and Poverty in China: Status Quo and Education Policy Evaluation - a Study Based on the National Database for Poor Population (71613013), Major Participant, 2017-2020.

[3] Ministry of Education of the PRC. Research on the Mechanism Improving of China’s Educational Policy Monitoring and Evaluation, Research Assistant, 2013-2017.

[4] Beijing Municipal Education Committee, Beijing Higher Education Quality and Student Development Monitoring Project, Research Assistant, 2012-2016.

[5] Institute of Educational Science of Yunnan Province. Evaluation of Regional Educational Indicators and Development Ability in Yunnan Province, Major Participant, 2014-2015.