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CHEN Xiaohong

CHEN Xiaohong


Department of Public Administration


Assistant Professor


School of Humanities and Social Science


[email protected]

Mailing address

School of Humanities and Social Science,University of Science and Technology Beijing, No.30, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing,China.

Education experience

l 2010 - 2016, Tsinghua University, Technology Management, Ph.D. in Management

l 2013 - 2014, University of Cambridge, Joint Ph.D, CSC Fellowship

l 2006 - 2010, Southwest Jiaotong University, Political Science & Public Administration, Bachelor of Law

Work experience

l 2024 - Present, Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing

l 2021 - 2024, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University

l 2016 - 2020, Held management positions at the headquarters of a Fortune 500 company, with industry experience in strategic management, technological industry innovation, digital management, and educational management.

Research Areas

Public Policy, Technology Innovation Management, Digital Governance

Selected Scholarly Publications

Partial achievements

1. CHEN Xiaohong & ZHOU Yuan*. The Essence of Innovative Collaboration and Theoretical Evolution of Open Source Software from Cooperation and Competition Perspectives[J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T.,2024,1-20. (CSSCI in Chinese, IF=7.433)

2. CHEN Xiaohong* & ZHOU Yuan. Research on the role of entrepreneurship education in regional innovation clusters: A case study of Zhongguancun and Cambridge Phenomenon[J]. Scientific Management Research, 2024,42(04):92-101.(CSSCI in Chinese,IF=3.076)

3. CHEN Xiaohong* & ZHOU Yuan. Qualitative Research on Open Source Software Projects Knowledge Sharing Model Based on Grounded Theory[J]. Chinese Journal of Management,2022, 19(06):901-909.(CSSCI in Chinese, IF=6.612)

4. CHEN Xiaohong* & ZHOU Yuan. Research on the Open Source Software Innovation Policy and Governance in the Digital Economy Era[J]. Scientific Management Research,2022,40(04):16-23.(CSSCI in Chinese, IF=3.076)

5. CHEN Xiaohong*. Institutional Logic, Dilemma and Suggestions of Open Source Innovation: A Case Study of Blockchain[J]. Global Journal of Management and Business Research.2022,22(D2), 45-53.

6. CHEN Xiaohong*, ZHOU Yuan, Probert David & SU Jun. Managing knowledge sharing in distributed innovation from the perspective of developers: empirical study of open source software projects in China[J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2017, 29(1): 1-22. (SSCI,JCR/JCI Q2)

7. CHEN Xiaohong*, Probert David, ZHOU Yuan, & SU Jun.Mechanisms of knowledge sharing in open source software projects: A comparison of Chinese and Western practice[J]. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 2016,11(2), 117-139.(EI)

8. CHEN Xiaohong*, ZHOU Yuan, & SU Jun. Relationship between distributed innovation, knowledge sharing and performance of open source software projects[J]. Studies in Science of Science,2016,34(02),228-235+245. (CSSCI in Chinese, IF=8.667)

9. CHEN Xiaohong*, ZHOU Yuan, & SU Jun. Case Studies about the Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Projects[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2015,32(19):130-135.(CSSCI in Chinese, IF=5.975)

10. E. More, CHEN Xiaohong, S. Ford, D. Probert, R. Phaal. Challenges and approaches to integrating intermittent power into national electricity grids: a comparative analysis between roadmaps for Europe and China. Europe-China High Value Engineering Network (EC-HVEN) Project,2014. (International Research Project under the EU Seventh Framework Programme, collaborated with professors from the University of Cambridge, UK)

11. CHEN Xiaohong*. Influence of the Regional Innovation Ability towards Economic Growth:31 Province and Cities in Mainland China in 2010 Data based on Factor Analysis[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy,2013,30(02):36-40. (CSSCI in Chinese, IF=5.975)

12. CHEN Xiaohong*, ZHOU Yuan, XU Guannan, SU Jun. Guangdong Real Faith Science Park: An Example of Government-driven Industry Transformation towards Hi-tech[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science,2013,21(S2),751-757. (CSSCI in Chinese, IF=7.633)

13. SU Jun, CHEN Jun, CHEN Xiaohong.Policy Inspiration and Run Model of Research University Technology Transfer from Technoarch TLO in Japan[J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T.2013,34(11):60-62. (CSSCI in Chinese, IF=7.433)

14. XU Guannan, ZHOU Yuan, CHEN Xiaohong. Prediction on Development Situation of China Modern Coal Chemical Industry[J]. Coal Economic Research,2013,33(07):30-35.

15. XU Guannan, ZHOU Yuan, SU Jun, CHEN Xiaohong.Technology RoadMapping Applied to New Energy Industry - Coal Base Dimethyl Ether Industry as Case[J]. Coal Economic Research,2012,32(07):41-45.

Selected research projects

1. National Foreign Experts Program, Industrial Innovation Pathways and Policies for Advancing Medical Device Development through Computer Modeling and Simulation,2024-2025.(PI)

2. Humanities and Social Science Fund of Ministry of Education of China, Mechanisms and Policy Research on Open-Source Collaboration to Promote Innovation Catch-Up in Domestic Industrial Software,2023-2025. (PI, Awarded Tsinghua University’s "Double High Plan")

3. 2024 Special Project of the Beijing Education Science 14th Five-Year Plan: "Implementing the Strategy for Building a Strong Education Nation", Research on the Transformation and Reshaping of Capital Education in the Context of Artificial Intelligence,2024-2026.(PI)

4. Key Project of Xiong’an New Area, Hebei Province in China, Research on the High-Quality Development Path of Strategic Emerging Industries in Xiong'an New Area during the 15th Five-Year Plan Period,2024. (Completed,PI)

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanisms of Innovation Diffusion in Emerging Industries Based on Multi-Source Heterogeneous Networks, 2020-2023. (Completed, Participant)

6. Chinese Academy of Engineering Science and Technology Project, Research on Knowledge Maps and Index Methods of Strategic Emerging Industries, 2023-2024.(Completed,Participant)

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Intelligent Decision Support Methods for Engineering Science Roadmap Formulation from the Perspective of Dual-Chain Coupling, 2023-2024.(Completed, Participant)

8.EU Framework 7 International Collaboration Project, Seventh Framework Programme-Marie Curie Actions-International Fellowships, Research on Innovation Networks and Policies for High-End Manufacturing, 2012-2016.(Completed, Participant)

9.  National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on China's Public Policy Decision-Making Models Based on Policy Practices in Multiple Fields, 2012-2016. (Completed, Participant)